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Life story
October 20, 1966



Joseph was born on October 20, 1966 at Sequoia Hospital, Redwood City, CA to Alfred John Martinez and Carmen Belinda Cuevas.  He came home from the hospital to his first him at 38393 Timpanogas Circle, Niles, CA.


Siblings: Waiting at home were his big brother Al and sister Veronica when we brought him home from the hospital at 3 days of age.  That same year in March, they had lost their baby brother, Anthony, which I know they don't remember but they played with him and loved spinning him around in his walker and adored their little brother but unfortunately for us, God took him home at 8 months of age.  But Ahh! that same year in October there comes another little baby brother but sadly they couldn't play with him like they did with Anthony.  Joseph was born with a complex heart disease and had his first heart surgery at 6 weeks of age.  In 1967 Joseph not only has an older brother and sister, he now has a baby sister, Jackie.  Three years another brother comes along, Greg.  When he got older he discovered he had another sister name Liz from his father's first marriage.  Joseph also had two other siblings Sonny and Donna Rosales, which are a result from a blended family.  Joseph's relationship with all of his siblings changed throughout the years.


Al, the oldest of the siblings was four years older and much bigger and more competitive than Joseph, but Joseph looked up to him as the protector and the one that could play a mean game of baseball, roughouse at home and outside with the neighborhood kids.  Something Joseph could never do because of his heart condition.  But the time came when big brother got married and left home.  But Joseph grew up and became close to his brother as well as the rest of the siblings.  They loved getting together for holidays and bar-b-ques.  But at last he found a game that he could play with his brother and be just as competitive...GOLF!!!  I was never there but I know there are many stories and memories on the golf course from California to Arizona but I will let Al share those memories.


Veronica, his oldest sister, who was three years older and played a very good role of big sister throughout the years was a very important sibling in Joseph's life.  Growing up, she seemed to be sensitive to his medical condition without even knowing how serious it was, but I believe it was his small size and frailness at times.  Veronica remembers as a child going to Stanford the many times Joseph was hospitalized there but the realization of his serious condition came later on when she was always there at his side even until the end.  Joseph followed Al and Veronica to Arizona as they left everything behind to start a new life there.  I'm sure Veronica has many memories as they discovered their new life there and hope she will share those memories with us.


Jackie,  Joseph's little sister.  At last someone was younger and smaller than him.  Joseph and Jackie were inseparable when they were toddlers.  He now had a sibling that was small enough not hurt him and someone he could boss around since now he is big brother.  When growing up you could count on them two being together, they went to school together and had the same friends.  They share many memories of their teenage years and that closeness continued even after adulthood.  So much that Joseph lived with Jackie and her husband for a time.  I will let her share her memories of the wedding gifts they got.  Jackie was always there for her brother when he became ill and even traveled to Arizona when she could to be there for him.


Greg, well what can I say about Joseph and Greg.  The two of them together were "Double Trouble", that's what I called them.  They shared the same bedroom from toddlers till they were teenagers. They also became inseparable as teenagers until Joseph got married, left home and Greg moved to Florida.  But Joseph joined us there and they got together again.  I know that Greg has many memories even in Florida from the football games in Miami and Tampa and the pool parties at home.